• Gadula Financial wants to make it easy for you to access all the claims forms and check on your submitted claims.
  • Building a financial plan is like building a house so why not start from the ground up.
    Life Insurance is the foundation of your plan.
  • Save yourself a huge hassle and potentially very costly oversight by purchasing your Manulife Travel Insurance Plan right from the Gadula Financial Planning website.
  • People with a complex health history or who would prefer not to have any testing done should consider non-medial life insurance.




Planning A La Carte

20 years of Experience spent around coffee tables, dining room tables and Board rooms discussing the financial fears and challenges that face both individuals and businesses alike has allowed me (Jordan) to gather,that while the hurdles that life throws at us may be similar in nature ,it is the way everyone chooses to deal with these challenges that sets us apart as individuals. I have found that there are widely varying opinions on Insurance and Investment products, thier usefullness vs their cost , or more simply their percieved value. There is no one size fits all option or meal that will satisfy all the different financial tastebuds . That is why we take an "A La Carte" approach to financial planning. Sit down with us and discuss the many options available in the Insurance and Investment market . Take the time to look over the menu and together we will use the products and services that will leave you financially full.

Your Purchasing Process with us will include multiple meetings as we would prefer you have time to digest and feel as little pressure as possible. These are more important decisions than whats for dinner. It all starts with a Call,Text or Email and we will happily have an introductory conversation. 

This leads me to the last important piece Regulation and Compliance! We are required to be licensed in Ontario and stay up to date on continuing education we are also required to complete a letter of Engagement with anyone we engage in business with. Please click the link below to complete our Letter of Engagement and Discolsure Agreement. This outlines our service agreement to you and goes over all of the products and services that we are willing and able to offer or review at any time.


I truly believe that we all have a story as to why we make the choices, in this case financial, that we do. I was once told a story about why someone decided to sell insurance and it stuck with me so much so that I decided to make it a career. If you would ever like to hear that story feel free to ask or give us a call and we can chat about your story and find a way to fill the pages of your life with some financial freedom.

Yours in Planning,

Jordan Gadula


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